im体育APP is one of a handful Registered 认证 Bodies (RCBs) outside Japan that can certify radio equipment for the Japanese market place. 

Japan Radio 认证 Requirements and Services

im体育APP is a Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) appointed Registered 认证 Body (RCB), also known as a Japanese Conformity Assessment Body (CAB); a RCB can be used for certification of radio devices which enables the use of Ordinance mark, which is also known as the “Giteki” or TELEC mark, 关于产品. MIC certification is required for certain categories of radio devices prior to placing them into the Japanese market place.   

Your equipment needs to be assessed to applicable Japanese Radio Ordinance Law and then the results (test reports) are submitted, along with other documentation such as schematic diagrams, 物料清单和用户资料, 提交RCB进行评估.

 A successful evaluation of the submitted documents will lead to RCB issuing a MIC ID which is required for placement on the Japanese market.




作为CAB, im体育APP will assess your telecommunications, radio and wireless products to ensure compliance to MIC certification.

完成license申请后, 我们将检查你们产品的安全性, 功能和一致性, 发放预许可. 一旦完成, the product will undergo a final inspection; upon completion of the inspection, 将颁发一个完整的许可证, 产品可以推向市场. Depending on the type of product and intended use, we can issue JRF and JPA approval certifications under Japan Radio Law.


Formal Radio and SAR Compliance testing and reporting

Our testing and certification program covers the main sections of MIC certification for data transmission equipment, 蓝牙, 无线个域网, 无线局域网, 无线网络, 射频识别, 卫星和短程设备.



One of the best ways to prepare your products for wireless testing and MIC certification is to test early and often. Our advisory services team work with your design team, evaluating prototypes and components to reveal potential issues and make simple modifications before investing in a full-scale product and final testing.

Our team of experts will handle the project for you throughout the entire process, from the initial design phase through the testing and approval of radio products and components. im体育APP’s experts provide guidance on relevant MIC regulatory requirements before you reach the testing and approvals stage. Our goal is to help you achieve first time success and mitigate the risk of missing critical regulatory deadlines.

  • 建议和指导
  • Pre-compliance testing at the product development stage
  • Japanese Radio Law formal radio compliance testing and reporting
  • Japanese Radio Law formal SAR compliance testing and reporting
  • 日本MIC认证服务
  • 测试 to support your VCCI certification
  • VCCI EMC testing for Class B - consumer devices
  • VCCI EMC testing for Class A – devices used in industrial, commercial and engineering


+1 888 786 7555 im体育APP


Complementary to our extensive MIC certification services, im体育APP offers a wide range of related services to assist you from the initial stages of identifying a suitable compliance strategy through comprehensive testing programs, certification and assistance to deliver your product to the global market.



im体育APP provides guidance on the relevant regulatory requirements before you reach the testing and approvals stage, supporting you from start to finish - we ensure you achieve first time success.



im体育APP offers wireless and radio certification services for FCC for USA, 加拿大ISED, 欧洲CE认证,日本MIC认证.

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im体育APP works as your Global Market Access service partner to help you navigate complex regulations and get your products to market quickly and efficiently.



im体育APP offers ISO 17025 testing services to 欧洲an ETSI standards, FCC规则, ISED RSS standards and Japanese Radio Law.



Find out more about im体育APP's global platform of laboratories to ensure that you have the facilities, technical expertise and procedures to ensure that your products comply with national and international industry-specific and legislative EMC standards. 



im体育APP is the ideal partner to help electrical device manufacturers, importers and distributors obtain the fast and efficient product safety testing and certification needed to trade their products worldwide.

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im体育APP FCB provides ISED certification services of your wireless devices for the Canadian market.

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im体育APP TCB provides FCC certification services of your wireless devices for entry into the United States market.

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im体育APP offers Notified Body review and EU-Type Examination certification of your wireless products subject to the scope of the Radio Equipment Directive (RED).


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.